JoinedTopics Started by Amha·aret
I Live For Today - No Longer Fear the Future- After Exiting the Witnesses
by flipper inas some know here - i was born in the witnesses .
raised in it and stayed in for 44 long years !
i don't believe in armageddon.
2008 DC: Fear Tactics
by outofthebox inso, as you already know, i was in the 2008 dc.
three very boring days.
but, i paid attention to every speech, so, you guys don't have to go.
"don't worry everyone will get theirs at armagedon"
by milligal inthis was written in a letter to me from one of my active jw brothers (biological brother).
he was referencing the ex-husbands of myself and my other df'd sister, both of whom have been guilty of 'slipping under the radar' (an elder's words) by doing such silly things as getting arrested for spousal abuse and stealing a vehicle....they're both still in good standing.
i digress, let me say that i was shocked to hear from my brother.
New here, but not to being an Ex-JW...
by amama2six ini just thought i'd briefly introduce myself.
my name is april, i am a navy wife and mother of six children, will be 30 next month, and have been disfellowshipped for almost 12 years.
i was also reproved two years prior to that.
A question for the Irish
by Amha·aret inhiya,.
i hope i'm not overstepping the rules here by asking this.
does anyone know where "john may" is these days?
just a typical marital counseling session?????
by oompa inso how did it go some have asked?
at some point the lady therapist asked me what was probably my number one just came out...."i don't know if i can stay married to a jw"...wife burst into tears...and never let up...not even on the way back to drop me off at work...i also said in session i would prefer an open minded wife, and i don't think wife would pick me now either...not an unbeliever, not an overdrinker, and that marriage to me meant being able to share pretty much everything with one another, my feelings, my friends, my concerns, and that i did not like living a double life...and explained what that was too......she of course said she would stay in the marriage, and mentioned the adultery only i said it sounds like she feels she is stuck with me...she said it sounds like our marriage is already over....the lady says she does know for a fact that jw's do indeed get divorced without sex sins...cause she has counseled more that one couple like in, one out....that ended with divorce.
i did say nice things about her...said the things i love.....and vice verse...and we both said we wanted the marriage to at least a good basis for continuing the sessions.....the lady wants us to find common ground and just ignore the religious difference for now...i said great but how can we do that when the religion is all encompassing to my is everything....i will be glad to go to the ground if she can find it....but she never got a chance to find it yet...we ran out of time.
Relationship Rescue (or how Dr. Phil got me out)
by Gladring ini was going to post this in the thread about what one comment helped you see the light but it became a bit too long and i thought the subject might be interesting in it's own right.
i've been hanging around for a while feeling like i should tell my story and this thread has caught me at a good time.
i was born in to the religion, baptized at 15, reproved at 17, married at 22, ministerial servant at 25. i'd had questions in my late teens and twenties but i convinced myself that i loved jehovah and wanted to stay and so i squashed those feelings.
different drummer
by chickpea in
holy c@c@!
has this guy got some chops!.
Do active JW's on this forum still practice shunning?
by Thechickennest injust wondering if active jw's on this forum or jw's just watching this board still put into practice in one way or another, shunning?.
what is the motivation do so?
is it to save face or relationships?
When the hell do I bcome a Jr Member?
by kzjw inand why do my post sometimes read "error"?
i'd be well over a hundred & 50 post if it wasn't for that!